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Подорож визначними місцями Великобританії та України (урок)
Topic "Places of Interest in Great Britain and Ukraine”Objectives:
· To develop interactive skills based on the country study;
· To give characteristic different sightseeing of Great Britain;
· To encourage pupils to work on project;
· To develop the pupils’ cognitive and creative skills;
· To develop the pupils’ socio-culture competence;
· To widen the pupils’ outlook.
a map of Great Britain, pictures the places of interest in Great Britain, presentation project, travel leaflet "Welcome to Great Britain”, computer.
I. Greeting. Introduction
T. Good morning, my dear pupils! How are you today? I am so happy to see you at our lesson. Before we start the lesson let’s say the motto of our lessons "We’ll be good, we’ll be fine, we’ll be clever every time”. Today’s lesson will be very interesting and unusual. We’ll learn English and Geography at one and the same time. It is from one side and from another side many teachers of English are present at our lesson. But I hope you’ll like it, because we’ll speak about beautiful country - Great Britain. This lesson will be a kind of trip.
II. Warming- up activity
To begin with I want you to continue my sentences. Be attentive and active, please. Great Britain is…
P1…an island.
P2… a highly developed state.
P3 …a country of great diversity.
P4…a land of great variety.
P5… a parliamentary monarchy.
P6… famous for its sights.
P7…washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea.
T. The territory of Great Britain is…
P9 …224 000 square kilometers.
T. The climate of Great Britain is…
P10 …mild and damp.
T. The population of Great Britain is…
P11… 57 million people.
T. Great Britain consists of …
P12…England, Scotland and Wales.
T. The capital of Great Britain Is…
P13… London.
T. I see the topic "Great Britain, its Geographical Position ” you know very well. But what will be the topic of our today’s lesson. To answer this question will be your next task. After watching the presentation you should give your opinions.
P1, P2, P3…
T. Yes. You are right. The topic of our lesson is "Places of Interest in Great Britain”. WE are going to sum up our knowledge about Great Britain. The aims are to get more information about sights of England, Scotland and Wales, to develop listening, reading, speaking skills. By the end of the lesson you should be able to describe the famous sights of Great Britain, to say what sights you’d like to visit and explain why.
Слово вчителя географії:
1. Актуалізація знань учнів (індивідуальна робота на картках):
Завдання 1. Доповніть схему. Якщо завдання виконано правильно – 3 бали, з двома неточностями – 2 бали, від трьох до 5 неточностей – 1 бал, понад 5 неточностей – завдання не зараховується як таке, що виконане правильно.
Галузева структура господарства
Виробнича Невиробнича
1. ___________________
2. Сільське господарство
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. ___________________
1.Охорона здоров’я, фізкультура, соціальне забезпечення
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
Завдання 2. Закінчіть речення:
1) Інфраструктура – це …
2) Виробнича інфраструктура – це …
3) Невиробнича інфраструктура – це …
4) Рекреація – це …
(Кожна правильна відповідь оцінюється 1 балом)
2. Оголошення теми та завдань уроку.
Тема нашого уроку тісно переплітається з темою уроку англійської мови і звучить так : «Туризм в Україні. Визначні місця України». Метою уроку є:
* Ознайомитися з поняттям «туризм»;
* З’ясувати роль та місце туризму для економіки країн світу в цілому та для України, зокрема;
* Ознайомитися зі станом розвитку туризму в Україні та його перспективами;
* Вчитися визначати географічне положення «Семи чудес України» та довідатися про їхню роль для подальшого розвитку туризму в Україні.
III. Main Part of the Lesson.
Your home task was to read the text "Places of Interest in Great Britain” (exercise 1 page 44) and do different tasks. Let us check up the home task. Firstly give me your copy-books and now answer the questions (exercise 2 page 44).
T. Now listen some texts which contain other facts about places of interest in Great Britain. Be attentive and try to understand as many information as possible. Later on you will do some tasks.
Cardiff (Wales).
Cardiff is the capital of Wales with the population of 300 000.
Cardiff is Wales’ largest city. Its also the country’s main economic, industrial and cultural centre.
Cardiff is situated on the southeast coast of Wales and three rivers, the Taff, the Ely and the Rhymney flow through it into the Bristol Channel.
A large area of parkland lies near the center of Cardiff. The National Museum of Wales, the Law Courts and the University are also situated here. Nearby there is Cardiff Castle, which was built in 1090.Modern rail and road communication link Cardiff with the rest of Great Britain and the airport lies outside the edge of the city.
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of Europe’s finest cities. Every year for three weeks in late summer the city is taken over by the arts. "The Edinburgh Festival” is the best known cultural festival in Britain. There’s always an impressive program of music and theatre, some of which takes place in the streets. Coming north out of Edinburgh you cross the Forth bridge The bridge is so long that it takes over 4 years to paint, by which time they have to start painting all over again, from the beginning. The Forth bridge is on the main route to the Highlands, an area of outstanding beauty, with a romantic past, and it’s home to wild life of all kinds.
On the edge of a large nature reserve is Aviemore, the most important winter sports resort in Britain.
Loch Ness
Not far from Aviemore is a very deep lake which has an air of mystery. It’s name – Loch Ness, Loch being the Gaelic word for lake. It is the biggest lake in Britain and has more water in it than the lakes in England and Wales together! The idea of a monster hiding in its deep waters has been around for a long time, and it even has a nickname, Nessie! Nessie is said to have a long neck, a small head and flippers for swimming. She’s been caught on a camera many times, but some of the photos were obvious fakes.
In 2003, a man walked along the bottom of loch Ness – under water! He wore an old-fashioned diver’s suit and helmet. He said it was cold and he didn’t see any signs of a monster.
T. Now, children, let us check up your understanding of these texts.
Circle the correct item
1. What is the capital of Wales?
a) London b) Cardiff c) Glasgow
2. How many rivers flow though the city?
a) one b) two c) three
3. What lies near the centre of the capital?
a) a large area of parkland ;
b) a small meadow ;
c) a field of roses ;
4. What links Cardiff with the rest of Great Britain?
a) a modern air communication;
b) a modern rail and road communication;
c) an old road communication;
5. What is Edinburgh?
a) a village; b) a parkland ; c) a capital;
6. How long does the Festival last?
a) three weeks; b) two days; c) three months;
7. What can you cross coming north out of Edinburgh?
a) a large area of parklands;
b) the Forth bridge;
c) a National Museum;
8. Aviemore is…
a) the most important winter sport resort;
b) a summer sport resort;
c) a modern stadium;
9. What is Loch Ness famous for?
a) its area; b) its beaches; c) a monster;
10. The name of the monster is…
a) Doggy; b) Nessie; c) Foggy;
11. How many times has Nessie been caught on a camera?
a) a lot of times; b) twice; c) three times;
12. When did a man walk along the bottom of the Loch Ness?
a) in 2010; b) in 2002; c) in 2003;
Key: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6a; 7b; 8a; 9c; 10b; 11a; 12c.
T. Look attentively at the pictures on the blackboard and write down the numbers of those that coincide with the texts.
Key: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13.
Слово вчителя географії:
1) Вступне слово:
Туризм є одним з пріоритетних напрямків розвитку будь-якої країни і України, зокрема. Наприклад, такі країни світу як Великобританія, Іспанія, Італія, Франція, Греція, США щороку мають від 2% до 10% доходу ВНП саме завдяки туризму. А ось деякі острівні країни, як от Сейшельські, Мальдівські острови, Кіпр мають практично 90% ВНП саме завдяки туризму.
До закладів туризму і рекреації належать: санаторії, курорти, пансіонати, туристичні бази тощо.
Туристична галузь має 1/10 частину світового ВВП, у ній працює кожен 12-й житель світу. Прогнозується, що кожне наступне десятиліття доходи від туризму будуть збільшуватися на 4%.
Позитивними рисами для розвитку туризму в Україні є:
- особливості ГП та рельєфу;
- сприятливий клімат;
- багатство природного, історико-культурного та туристично-рекреаційного потенціалу.
2) Основні туристичну регіони України (робота з картою стор. 29 атласу)
- Київ;
- Карпати;
- Крим;
- Прибережні регіони Чорного та Азовського морів (Одеська, Миколаївська, Херсонська, Запорізька, Донецька області);
- Волинь (Швацькі озера);
- Полтавщина (Миргородські мінеральні води)
3) Спостереження за динамікою розвитку закладів санаторно-курортного лікування в Україні (атлас, стор.29)
Relaxation ( "The Beatles’’, the Song "Yesterday”)
Слово вчителя географії: захист проектів по Україні
Вступне слово вчителя:
У травні 2007 року в Україні за ініціативи народного депутата Миколи Томенка та з метою розвитку туризму в Україні, було оголошено акцію «Сім чудес України», на яку всі регіони України представили свої природні та історико-культурні об’єкти, які мали б ввійти до переліку семи природних або історико-культурних чудес України. 21 серпня 2007 року було підбито підсумки акції і представлено сім природних та сім історико-культурних чудес України. Більш докладно про історико-культурні об’єкти нам розкажуть учні, які отримали випереджальне завдання і підготували реферати.
Слово учням, паралельно йде відео презентація.
1. Заповідник «Кам`янець» (м. Кам`янець-Подільський)
2. Свята Успенська Києво-Печерська Лавра (м. Київ)
3. Державний історико-культурний заповідник «Хотинська фортеця» (м. Хотин)
4. Національний дендрологічний парк «Софіївка» (м. Умань)
5. Собор св. Софії Київської (м. Київ)
6. Херсонес Таврійський (м. Севастополь)
7. Національний заповідник-острів «Хортиця» (м. Запоріжжя)
Project Work (Presentation)
T. Some of the pupils have quiet different home task. They had to find the additional information in reference books or in the Internet resources and prepare presentation "Places of Interest in Great Britain” and a travel leaflet ”Welcome to Great Britain”. Now let us see the presentation and listen your classmates.
Houses of Parliament
The Palace of Westminster, known also as the Houses of Parliament, is where the two Houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (the House of Lords and the House of Commons) conduct their sittings. It is the place where laws governing British life are debated and passed.
The Queen rides in a State coach to Westminster to open each new session of Parliament, usually in the second week in November. From the middle of the 11 th century until 1512, the Palace of Westminster was the royal home to the Kings and Queens of England, hence the name.
The Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) contains the bell Big Ben that strikes each quarter of an hour. A light in the clock tower tells when the House of Commons is in session.
Big Ben
Big Ben is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The clock tower is situated on the banks of the river Thames and is part of the Palace of Westminster.
Officially "Big Ben" does not refer to the whole clock tower (also known as St Stephen's Tower), but to the huge thirteen ton bell.
The Big Ben bell has the following measurements: 9'—0" diameter, 7'-6" high, and weighs 13 tons 10 cwts 3 qtrs 15lbs (13,760 Kg) Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London and one of the most important religious centers in the country. Many kings and Queens and famous people are buried or commemorated there. Its founder Edward the Confessor, was made a saint after his death and he is buried in a special chapel dedicated to him.
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is one of the most popular landmarks in London. This famous palace, first built in1703, is in the very center of London. . It is two places, not one.
It is the London home of the British Royal family, where children play and grow up. It is also a place, where presidents, kings and politicians go to meet the Queen.
Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two sport clubs, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet there. Two men work full-time to look after300 clocks. The palace is surrounded by a 40 acre garden. 40,000 tulips are planted each year in front of Buckingham palace. About 700 people work in the palace.
The Tower of London
It is one of the most ancient buildings in London. The Tower of London was built more than 900 years ago by William the Conqueror to protect and control the city. In the past it was a fortress, a palace and a state prison. Many kings live there until the 17th century, when it became a prison. Now it is a museum, which houses the Crown Jewels and other treasures. About two million people visit it every year. There are six ravens in the Tower of London. They have names, live in their own cages and get money every month. There is a legend that if ravens leave the Tower, the Tower and the British Monarch will fall.
Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square was so named in 1830 in honor to commemorate the victory of the British Navy over Napoleon in the sea battle at Trafalgar in 1805. The British fleet was commanded by Admiral Nelson who was killed in this battle. The monument in the center of the square, known as Nelson’s Column, was erected in 1843. It’s pedestal is decorated with four bronze bas-relief of Nelson’s famous naval victories. The metal for this bas-relief was made from canons captured from France.
The Statue of Admiral Nelson faces the sea he loved. The Column is surrounded by four bronze lions. The two beautiful fountains were added later. Now Trafalgar Square is the traditional place for mass meetings.
Bridges over the River Thames in London
Thirty-four bridges span the Thames. The oldest is London Bridge, which was originally made from wood. In 1209 it was replaced by a stone bridge with shops and houses along its sides. Tower Bridge is the most famous. It is more than 100 years old.
About 150 kilometres West of Brighton is Stonehenge. It was built almost 4000 years ago. 80 of its huge stones - some weighing 5 tons - were transported ail the way from West Wales, a journey of 400 kilometres over land and sea. But what was Stonehenge? The most popular view is that it was a temple associated with the Druids, an early British priesthood. These modern-day Druids still regard it as their cathedral. Stonehenge is probably much older than the Druids. Experts disagree over its purpose, but the most intriguing explanation is that it was a huge astronomical calendar or a computer. The stones were precisely placed to line up with the sun and moon at different times of the year. Whatever its purpose, Stonehenge has a magic, an attraction that still draws people to it. Stonehenge is the most famous, but by no means the only prehistoric sight. Britain, especially the South-West of England, has many such sights: stone circles, hill forts and burial grounds.
Liverpool, the "city of ships”, is England’s second greatest port, ranking after London. The most interesting sight in Liverpool is the docks. They occupy a river frontage of seven miles. The University of Liverpool, established in 1903, is noted for its School of Tropical Medicine. And in the music world Liverpool is a well-known name for it’s the home town of "The Beatles”.
Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain, after London and Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford is mainly famous for its university, which is the oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe.
The university has thirty-five separate colleges. For many years, only five of these colleges were for women. However, since 1979 nearly all the colleges have accepted both men and women.
Oxford is not only a university city. It's a wonderful place where historic buildings combine with modern buildings of shops, restaurants and cinemas. It's also a market town, where ordinary people live and work. In fact, there were
not so many tourists in the 1960s and 1970s in Oxford. The city was quite pleasant then. But now in summer there are too many cars and too many people in Oxford. With over one million visitors a year, it's very difficult nowadays for the residents of Oxford to live there daily lives. Sometimes they feel that. the city doesn't belong to them.
Cambridge is famous throughout the world as one of the two oldest university cities in Britain - Oxford, of course, is the other. The city lies about one hundred kilometres northeast of London in that part of England called East Anglia, a flat, rural area which is known for its wild bird life and fishing. As drove through the countryside, the most striking phenomenon is the number of small villages with disproportionately large churches - a relic of the middle ages when East Anglia grew rich on the wool trade.
The city, which is situated on the River Cam, is dominated by the magnificent university buildings. The crowded streets are packed with students going about their business on bicycles. But Cambridge is also a market town with a history that goes back to Roman times, and nowadays it is home to a number of modern hi-tech industries which, of course, benefit from their proximity to the scientific expertise for which the university is so well known.
Project work (Traveling leaflet)
Role play (one of the pupil is a member of the travel agency "British Tour”).
Слово вчителя географії.
Географічні загадки. «Про яке місто йде мова?» (кожна правильна відповідь оцінюється в 2 бали)
1. Місто стоїть на притоці Дністра. Перші згадки про нього припадають на 1062 рік. Населення майже 100 тис. чоловік. Це промисловий (розвинене машинобудування, легка і харчова галузі) культурний центр. Центр міста («Старе місто») є історико-архітектурним заповідником. За кількістю памяток історії та культури (152) посідає в країні ІІІ місце після Києва та Львова. (Камянець-Подільський)
2. Місто, що має спеціальний статус. В його межах розміщена військово-морська база України та однієї із сусідніх країн. Засноване воно було ще древніми греками понад 2 тис. рр. тому як місто-колонія. Нині це місто із населенням понад 100 тис. чоловік, основну масу яких складають росіяни, кримські татари та кримчаки (м. Севастополь)
3. Місто є одним із найбільших в Україні. Потужний промисловий центр, в якому зосереджено підприємства галузей важкого та транспортного машинобудування, чорної та кольорової металургії. Засноване в середні віки як оплот українського козацтва. (м. Запоріжжя)
4. Місто розташоване майже в центрі України. Довгий час було резиденцією одного із найвідоміших шляхетських родів України. Нині має населення понад 50 тис. чоловік. В ньому розвинені машинобудування, хімічна, легка, харчова та електроенергетична галузі промисловості. (м. Умань)
5. Місто-фортеця, розташоване на березі річки Дністер. Населення 25 тис. чоловік. Засноване київським князями як фортеця для захисту від нападів південних народів. Нині має розвинуті галузі легкої та харчової промисловості. (м. Хотин)
6. Найбільше місто України. Має населення понад 2 млн. чоловік. Розвинені галузі машинобудування, електроенергетика, хімічна, легка, харчова, деревообробна, будівельних матеріалів. Місто також є крупною агломерацією, що має понад 30 міст-супутників. (м. Київ)
Виставлення оцінок за урок. Підсумок уроку. Завдання додому.
Вдома: тема 15 (стор. 198), завдання соціологічного практикуму №17 (стор.204)
T. Now we ‘ll have brainstorming.”Do you know much about Great Britain?”Think and answer my questions. Be quick. Do your best to give right answers. First think than answer.
1. What parts does Great Britain consist of? (England, Scotland and Wales)
2. What is Liverpool famous for in English pop music? (The Beatles band)
3. What is the birthplace of William Shakespeare? (Stratford-upon-Avon)
4. What is the place of annual musical festival? (Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland)
5. In what part of Great Britain is the wool industry developed? (Scotland)
6. What is the translation of the Scottish word "loch”? (Lake)
7. What cities are University cities in Great Britain? (Oxford, Cambridge)
8. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
9. What is the Tower of London today? (A museum)
10. What place is closely connected with the Royal family? (Buckingham Palace)
11. What is Westminster today? (A royal church)
12. What is Edinburgh famous for? (For printing houses)
13. What climate is in Great Britain? (Damp and mild)
14. What is big Ben? (The famous clock)
15. What Ocean is Great Britain washed by? (The Atlantic Ocean)
16. What Seas is Great Britain washed by? (The North Sea and the Irish Sea)
17Where is Loch Ness situated? (In Scotland)
18. How many bridges are in London? (34)
19. What is the oldest bridge? (London bridge)
20. What is Stonehenge? (A prehistoric monument)
21. What is Britain rich in? (Historic places)
22. How many places of interest are in London? (Nearly 300)
23. What is the richest museum in the world? (British Museum)
24. What is in the center of Trafalgar Square? (Nelson’s Column)
IV. Summing up
T. Complete the sentences.
The topic of our lesson was…
Now I can…
P1. Listen and read about the sights of Great Britain.
P2. Describe the sights (some of the sights)
P3. Do a travel leaflet about London.
P4. Do a presentation about Great Britain.
P5.To write about places of interest in Great Britain.
P6.To express my attitude to different places of interest Great Britain.
V. Home Assignment
Exercise 3,4,5, page 45
Imagine you’ve been to London or Great Britain. Describe your sightseeing tour to your classmates. Make a presentation or a travel leaflet.
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